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Stereoview “Wash day in Italy”

kingsriverboy99.7% positive rating
Photographic Images
Stereoviews & Stereoscopes
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COLORADO SV - Denver - Curtis Street - 1880s


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TENNESSEE SV - Sewanee - Fairbanks House - AW Judd 1870s


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FLORIDA SV - The New Rockledge Hotel - George Barker 1880s


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FLORIDA SV - Silver Springs - Boat Landing - 1890s RARE!


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NEW MEXICO SV - Rio Grande Steam Train - Kilburn Brothers 1880s


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Vtg Alan Gordon Enterprises Type F-71 Mirror Stereoscope w/ Original Case


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SOUTH DAKOTA SV - Deadwood Panorama - WR Cross 1890s


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HAWAII SV - Honolulu - Banyan Tree - George Rose c1910 RARE!


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FLORIDA SV - Fort George Island - Ancient Tabby House - Anthony 1870s


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WISCONSIN SV - Milwaukee - Carnival Parade - Universal View Co


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FLORIDA SV - Palatka - Unknown Building - JG Mangold 1880s


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UTAH SV - Salt Lake City - Brigham Young Home - New H Series 1880s


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WYOMING SV - Teton River Rapids - WH Jackson c1872


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YELLOWSTONE SV - Mammoth - Cleopatra Terraces - TW Ingersoll 1880s


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Vintage Sawyers View Master Lot of 2 with Catalog and 24 Reels


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SOUTH DAKOTA SV - Sioux Scout Traacking - Ingersoll View Co 1890s


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PENNSYLVANIA SV - Bethlehem - Church Interior - MA Kleckner 1870s


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YELLOWSTONE SV - Gibbon Canyon - Beryl Spring - TW Ingersoll 1880s


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MASSACHUSETTS SV - Brightwood - Wason Manufacturing - Buchholz


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NORTH DAKOTA SV - Badlands - Buffalo Valley - FJ Haynes 1880s


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YELLOWSTONE SV - Stagecoach at Willow Creek - TW Ingersoll 1880s


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YELLOWSTONE SV - Crystal Falls - Griffith 1890s


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UTAH SV - Salt Lake City - City & County Building - Ingersoll 1890s


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TEXAS SV - Galveston - Floating Wreckage - Underwood c1900


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YOSEMITE SV - A Dangerous Pass - American Stereo Co c1896


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YOSEMITE SV - Sierras - The Lyall Group - JJ Reilly 1870s


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SAN DIEGO SV - PCE Expo - Foreign Arts Bldg - Keystone c1915


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WISCONSIN SV - Apostle Islands Cave & Boat - BF Childs 1870s


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ILLINOIS SV - Peoria Panorama - Intl Stereograph Co c1908


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Pair Of Lake Geneva Wisconsin Wi Wis Bullock Stereoview Photographs Regatta 1875


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Sawyer's C177 The Louvre Famous Paintings France view-master 3 reels packet


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YOSEMITE SV - Cap of Liberty - CL Pond 1870s


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YELLOWSTONE SV - Thumb Paint Pots - Ingersoll View Co - 1900s


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YOSEMITE SV - The North Dome - CL Pond 1870s


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OWL Stereoscope 3d Viewer by Brian May - Improved Version 3 w/slip case


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YOSEMITE SV - The Three Brothers - Continent Stereo Co 1880s


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ViewMaster Reels Disney, Mickey, TMNT, Spider-Man, Looney Sealed


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Antique 1898 Clothing Market Novgorod Russia Stereoview Photo Card P1676


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100 STEREOVIEW Stereoscopic Photo SLEEVES Pack/Lot ~ 1.5 Mil Poly ARCHIVAL SAFE


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Lite OWL Stereoscope 3D print viewer by Brian May


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50 LARGE Stereoview SLEEVES Pack/Lot ~ Photo Archival Safe Acid Free Bag 2.5 Mil


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Vintage Viewmaster Little Black Sambo


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View-Master Viewer Vintage Sawyers Made in Portland Oregon USA


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100 VIEW-MASTER SLEEVES Pack Clear 2.5mil ARCHIVAL Safe for REEL in Paper Sleeve


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View-Master - Lot of 2 Bush Gardens, Tampa, FL & Los Angeles CA A233 & A988


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View-master 3 reel sets Disney Discovery Channel Natures Animals you choose


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View-master 3 Reel Sets - your choice


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